Introducing Should I Be a Lady Who Leaves

The most comprehensive programme for deciding whether to stay or leave your relationship. No more sleepless nights, second-guessing your future. Learn how to make this most important decision with complete confidence, and move forward with ease.

Introducing Should I Be a Lady Who Leaves

The most comprehensive programme for deciding whether to stay or leave your relationship. No more sleepless nights, second-guessing your future. Learn how to make this most important decision with complete confidence, and move forward with ease.

Is ‘Should I Be A Lady Who Leaves’ for you? 

You’re unhappy in your relationship. You feel ignored, lonely or bored. You think about leaving frequently, but fear holds you back. What about the children? How will I manage financially? How can I start again? Can I make it on my own? 

You don’t quite trust yourself, yet you know there’s more out there for you. You long for connection, emotional intimacy and partnership - perhaps what you once had in this relationship. What if there was a way to get it back? 

You’re not ready to throw in the towel yet, but you know it’s time to look your future in the eye: explore all options, take action, face your fears and change the way you are showing up in your relationship.

If you’re…

  • A driven career woman who has her life together in the workplace but  struggling to get your needs met in your personal life
  • A stay-at-home mum who feels invisible and have lost your identity in your relationship
  • A woman who has experienced past traumas that are impacting your adult relationship.
  • A woman who knows is pretty sure your relationship is over, but terrified about what happens next
  • A woman who really doesn’t want her relationship to be over, but can’t carry on like this

…You’re in the right place.


Should I Be a Lady Who Leaves will give you the tools, inspiration and confidence to trust yourself  in any decision that you make in your relationship. You might end up leaving, with grace and confidence. You might end up staying, with grace and confidence.

And the best thing is, the tools and skills you’ll learn can transform ALL your relationships, personal and professional, for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.

By the end of Should I Be A Lady Who Leaves you will:

Deeply understand yourself and the road that led you here

To change what’s happening now, you need to learn how to  observe and reflect on patterns you have followed in all your relationships with self compassion and empathy. You’ll learn tools to help you unlock your deepest held unconscious beliefs, and strengthen the most important relationship of all: with yourself. 

Understand your relationship dynamic

You’ll learn how to assess your relationship with openness and curiosity. You’ll reflect through the lens of deeply understanding yourself, and uncover what strategies both you and your partner bring to the relationship to get their needs met. And how these might change, if needed.

Know how to establish and maintain healthy boundaries

Boundaries are healthy habits. They speak to how you treat yourself and how you allow others to treat you. This powerful shift alone will change everything about the way you show up in all your relationships.

Understand your options

The unknown can be terrifying. Whether you stay or leave, there will be work ahead, but you’ll learn exactly what lies in store. So your decision will be fully informed, and you make your move with full confidence and clarity.

Trust yourself

Trust yourself: two small words with massive impact. When you have learned how to really, truly trust yourself, everything changes - forever. It means your decisions are built on a solid foundation of personal resilience, and a firm belief that you have all the inner resources you need to support you throughout your life.

Have a plan

You’ll have made your decision and pinpointed your exact next steps. Whether you’re recommitting to your relationship and need support with that reconnection, or you’re clear it’s time to leave and need help with the practical and legal implications, understanding your next steps builds confidence and provides your own individual road map to your future. And the peace of mind you’ve been craving.


"What I liked about you Emma is that you didn't tell me what I should do. Instead you gave me the tools to make the decision that was right for me and the courage to take action "


"Emma is a coach of exceptional skill"


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Success Stories

Success isn’t about whether you stay or go, it’s about the outcome that’s right for you. It’s about looking your reality in the eye and taking action.

Let me tell you about Angela.

Angela came to me because she knew she’d made a mistake marrying Michael.

She’d wanted someone stable and calm (something she thought she wasn’t), but 8 years on, she was BORED.

Michael didn’t have the same zest for life she had.

Things came to a head over a solitary soggy courgette left at the back of the fridge.

Michael hated food waste and his meltdown when Angela dared bin the decaying vegetable was the last straw.

Angela knew things had to change.

But she didn’t know how. 

Long story short: Angela got her divorce, and is back to being herself again. She travels several times a year and has sworn off courgettes for life!

Then there’s Helen.

Helen, a successful accountant, had no problem understanding the finances. That wasn’t her block.

Helen’s biggest struggle was letting go of the idea that the children she and her husband Stewart shared would be damaged by a divorce.

Helen’s mother had instilled in her that marriage was forever and you stuck it out for the sake of the children.

Helen needed support to understand that she was responsible for making decisions in her own relationship - not her mother.

Gradually Helen began to see that making good decisions for herself meant implementing boundaries with her mother, her husband and herself. (And, spoiler: her children were fine).

Or Chen

Chen, a yoga teacher, came to me terrified that she’d lose the business she and her husband had built together.

She was lonely and miserable in her relationship. All they did was focus on building the business.

There was no passion or quality time.

Chen didn't think the business was worth it, but she said Andrew wasn’t listening to her as he was too focused on the money.

When Chen learned the skills she needed to express herself without complaining or making Andrew feel attacked, he was able to hear what she was actually saying.

Chen wanted more of his time and attention for herself and not the business.

She wanted their relationship to be as important as building that.

Three years on both their relationship and their business are thriving.

What if Chen hadn’t been willing to do the work and decided to throw in the towel?

She and Andrew would probably have divorced.

What if Helen had stayed frozen with fear that she’d ruin her children’s life with divorce? She’d be stuck in an unhappy marriage, and her children would be picking up on that unhappiness too, because children aren’t stupid.

When you understand what you need, and get confident in making decisions, your life gets a whole lot better. Angela, Helen and Chen know this, and, deep down, you know it too.


If you do nothing else, this module has the power to change everything, both within your relationships and in every other aspect of your life. Because it gets to the heart of YOU. It’s like being your own detective, psychologist and coach: you’ll have a clear understanding of what drives you, what matters and what you really need from relationships.

Module Highlights:

  • Understand your attachment style
  • Create your own personal values hierarchy
  • Learn what role trauma plays in your relationships


You’ll bring your newly-found self-knowledge to examine your relationship. After working through this module you’ll understand your relationship patterns, be able to specify how you know when things are going well, and how to communicate openly about what you want and need.

Module Highlights:

  • Reflect on your relationship history
  • Communication in relationships
  • Do you both want the same things?


Now you have clarity on you and your relationship, it's time to consider the options and opportunities open to you. Neither decision is easy to make, or implement. There’s work ahead, but it’s a whole lot more manageable when you understand what you need to consider.

Module Highlights:

  • Emotional considerations of staying or leaving

  • Practical and legal considerations of staying or leaving
  • The impact of staying or leaving on your children


Flipping a coin, making a pros and cons list, asking your bestie: these are all ways to make decisions, and none of them are ideal! Module Four teaches you strategies to be confident in your decision-making so you can move forward with emotional freedom and clarity. 

Module Highlights:

  • Learn the structure of good decision making

  • Weigh up your options
  • Create an action plan


A decision without a plan leaves you hanging! In this module I’ll walk you through everything you need to do to calmly, rationally, take the next steps with your decision. Having a plan means you’ll know what success looks like and you’ll stay focussed even when things get challenging.

Module Highlights:

  • Recommitting to your relationship 
  • Creating a divorce plan
  • Seeing it through

Plus These Bonuses to Help You Become Your Best Self


A self-study guide to help you build trust in yourself. You’ll learn why developing trust in yourself is so vital for every relationship in your life. And I’ll share practice exercises to help you strengthen the trust muscle. 

(A ÂŁ67 Value)

What you'll get:

  • Self-reflective journaling prompts
  • Exercises in learning to trust your gut
  • Mastering your inner critic


What does a healthy relationship look like? What does it NOT look like? When you’re struggling with relationship doubts it’s hard to know. This checklist will help you diagnose the health of your relationship in an instant.

(A ÂŁ67 Value)

What You'll Get:

  • Relationship green flags
  • What give and take looks like
  • Red flags to watch out for


Weekly podcast episodes specifically curated for Should I Be a Lady a Lady Who Leaves. Let me offer added guidance, support and encouragement as you work through the modules, so you stay on track and get the most out of Should I Be A Lady Who Leaves

(A ÂŁ100 Value)

What You'll Get:

  • Weekly episodes to support each of the five modules of 5-10 minutes
  • Bonus episodes to further enhance and support your journey
  • Additional PDFs to support the podcast


Many women struggle to make decisions because they are in a high-conflict relationship. Recognising when you are in a high-conflict relationship is often challenging, but it’s crucial to getting the appropriate support and strategies in place to help you navigate your next steps.

(A ÂŁ100 Value)

What You'll Get:

  • Recognising high-conflict personalities
  • Understanding how to manage a high-conflict personality
  • Strategies for support

When you enrol during this special, limited time period,

you’ll get:

Should I Be a Lady Who Leaves
(A ÂŁ999 Value)

  • 5 in depth modules giving you all the tools you need to build trust, resilience and set boundaries for healthy decision making in this and ALL your relationships
  • Clarity of what a healthy, happy relationship is for you  
  • The ability to trust yourself now and in the future  
  • Full knowledge of what happens if you decide to stay or leave  
  • A unique road map of your way forward, created by you 

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Should I Be a Lady Who Leaves is backed by a 7-day money back guarantee so you can experience the programme risk-free.

Investing in any programme is a big deal. You want to know that you’re investing wisely in a programme that will get you results. 

I hear you!

That’s why when you know you can experience the programme benefits with the confidence of a money back guarantee. Put down your enrollment nerves and focus on diving deep into Module One and understanding yourself before making a final commitment.

If you don’t feel that Should I Be a Lady Who Leaves is for you by 4pm BST / GMT 7 days from the date of purchase, simply reach out, show me the work you’ve done on module one, and I’ll refund your investment. Full Details here.

Frequently Asked Questions

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(including 2 x 45 minute coaching calls in January and March 2024 at a massive 33% discount from the standard investment)

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Still not sure?

If you’re thinking “this sounds amazing, but I’m still not 100% sure”, keep reading:
You should give Should I Be a Lady Who Leaves a 7-day risk free trial if you’re motivated by any of the following:

You badly want you back

Even though it’s scary to admit it, you know that you’ve totally lost yourself in this relationship. You’re lonely, frustrated and yearning for intimate connection. You're ready to face the possibility that that might or might not be with your current partner but you’re done with waiting for things to be different.

You’re willing to face your own demons

Even though outwardly you lay a lot of the issues in your relationship at the feet of your partner, deep down you know that if change is going to happen, it starts with you. That feels daunting, but it’s a lot less daunting when you have a process in place to guide you through it.

You recognise there’s no perfect time and waiting is not the answer. It doesn’t get easier, it just gets later.


It doesn’t mean that you’re jumping for joy at the prospect of some sweaty conversations with yourself and your partner but you do know that 2024 is the time to finally get off the fence and make decisions about the future of your relationship.

Should I Be a Lady Who Leaves isn’t magic but it is transformative

No one can ever tell you what’s right for YOU. Unfortunately, you have to figure that out for yourself. And you already know that - you’re a smart woman. You just need to know

Whether you’re pretty sure that your relationship is over, or you want to try to stay together, you just want to stop driving yourself mad with indecision and feel in your heart and gut that the decision you make is right. 

You know this is true: anticipation of a thing is worse than doing the thing. The same is true of this decision. I’m not going to lie: there’s work ahead whether you stay or leave. But your load will be lifted, you’ll be able to breathe, knowing you’ve made a decision that’s right for you, and is one you can move forward with confidently. Imagine how it feels to let go of all the anxiety, procrastination and frustration that has dogged you for months and maybe even years? Surely you don’t want to be carrying all that a moment longer?  

Facing your fears is scary - and it’s also where you do the most personal growth. Ask yourself which is more scary - the thought of your relationship never changing or the thought of you being the one to change it?

You can do this, and with lifetime access to the programme you really can take this at your own pace with no pressure. I can’t wait to support you as you learn the skills that will change your relationships for the better, forever.


Emma x